Community » Cell Phone Policy

Cell Phone Policy

Cell Phone Policy



Cell phones and other smart devices can be excellent educational tools and valuable resources for learning when used appropriately.  We encourage both staff and students to utilize these devices to enhance their educational experiences.  However, it has been proven that students on cell phones or other electronic devices when it is not part of the instructional lesson are not fully engaged in learning. To maintain an optimal learning environment, this document aims to provide clarity regarding the policy on cell phones and electronic devices at the Academy for Software Engineering.


The use of cell phones and other electronic devices by students during the school day is considered a privilege. The default expectation is that by the fifth minute of the period, as part of the opening routine, ALL devices and headphones/AirPods are put away unless instructed otherwise.  The use of 


The intention of the cell phone policy at AFSE is to cultivate digital responsibility by providing access during the day to cell phones as an alternative to zero tolerance of exclusionary policies at other schools.   Students who demonstrate the need for additional support or reinforcement to demonstrate digital responsibility will be placed on a ladder of intervention followed by consequences that can include the expectation for students to turn over the device to the classroom teacher or to the school for one or more periods or one or more days.  


Repeat Referrals will lead to the following Actions by the Culture & Community team.  


Failure to meet this expectation will lead to the following supports and consequences:

Number of Cell Phone Comments in JumpRope

Ladder of Interventions & Supports


Advisor Check-in AND/OR Family Outreach 

More than 5

Restorative Justice Coordinator

Student - RJ  Conference 


Family Outreach 


Cell phone contract 

More than 10

*Mediation between teacher & student OR One period of confiscation 


After School Reflection

More than 15

Director of School Culture 

Counselor Check-in


Assigned champion/mentor 


Family Conference [In-person]


Whole-day phone confiscation 

Director of School Culture 

Social Worker Check-in

  • 1 to 1 Support/Mentoring
  • outsource CBO to support students' direct needs 


Phone confiscation (can range from days to weeks) 


The classroom teacher on a daily basis will establish a positive environment for all learners by setting clear expectations, establishing the end of the five minute period to open class, and clearly indicate if or when it is appropriate for cell phone use to promote instruction.  The classroom teacher will take necessary steps to redirect students who do not follow the expectation, conference with students who have multiple occurrences, and submit a referral for students who require additional intervention and consequence.  


For further clarification of the Cell Phone policy for the 2024-25 school year, please contact the Director of School Culture, Armando Hurtado at [email protected]