Career Connected Learning
Career Readiness & Modern Youth Apprenticeship

Work-based learning is becoming more and more critical to preparing our students for the 21st-century workforce. Essential soft-skills such as collaboration, problem solving and negotiation will be key in the coming economy, infact, 57% of senior leaders believe soft skills are more important than hard skills.
That’s why AFSE has partnered with CareerWise New York and New York City Public
Schools via the CRMYA program to offer modern youth apprenticeship to our students. Apprenticeship provides additional avenues to college and career success by working with world-class businesses in areas such as financial services, business operations and information technology.
Watch this short film about why youth apprenticeship is an important innovation to our education system.
In partnering with CareerWise, AFSE gains access to the nonprofit’s employer network, training plans and technology backbone. Most importantly, CareerWise has developed a system that delivers tangible benefit to the students.
Apprentices can earn:
- Meaningful work experience (unlike a short internship, apprentices are being prepared to step into full- time roles)
- A professional certification (signaling to employers they’re ready to work)
- Potential to earn up to 12 college credits from CUNY or NYU’s School of Professional Studies
- A professional network (apprentices work with a direct supervisor and their teams, are assigned acoach/mentor at the company and many have regular direct interaction with CEOs and other executives)
- A good paycheck (apprentices can earn about $40,000 over the course of the program)
Here’s an introductory video to CareerWise’s program and the benefits it affords students.
Students can indicate interest through the course interest survey at the end of 9th grade. Final decisions are based on schedule availability, teacher/counselor recommendation, and program eligibility. To be eligible for an apprenticeship, students need to be on track to graduate, be 16 on or before 12/31/2024, and have documents (SSN) showing eligibility to work in the United States.
Future Ready NYC
FRNYC's goal is to put NYCPS students on a path to a rewarding career that aligns with their passion and purpose, achieves long-term economic security, and offers a choice-filled life. FutureReadyNYC is grounded in five components:
- Career-Connected Instruction
- Early College Credits & Credentials
- Work-Based Learning
- Individualized Advising
- Financial Literacy.
Integrated together, these experiences will help students build real skills, create a strong career plan, and establish a headstart for life after high school. In partnership with our schools, higher education, and employer and community partners we look forward to witnessing FRNYC’s transformational impact on NYC public school students.
At AFSE, we continue to work in the Technology pathway to offer Cybersecurity courses as an option for students in addition to our AP Computer Science Curriculum.